Saturday, April 9, 2011

The Roman Forum

Sunday, March 20, 2011 (Part 4)

Our next stop, after Palantine Hill, was the Roman Forum itself. Historically, the Roman Forum was the most public portion of ancient rome. This was "main street." There were many temples, markets and public buildings located here. When the victorious Roman army returned from distant lands, it paraded down the road through the center of the Roman Forum. The Roman Senate met in a building here, and Caesar's burial site is located here.

Highlights within the Roman Forum include the reconstructed Arch of Titus, the remains of the massive Basilica of Constantine and Maxentius (with a footprint larger than a football field) and the House of the Vestal Virgins. The House of the Vestal Virgins was the home of virgin priestesses who tended the sacred flame in the Temple of Vesta. The house was a large rectangular building around a central garden. The garden contains the remains of statues of the virgins, and some of these statues are in surprisingly good condition. The gardens were very crowded with tourists on this beautiful Spring day.

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